Sunday, February 12, 2012

What is good for hair loss and thin hair for young people? Are multi vitamins god or a waste of my money?

Vitamins can be very helpful especially if there is a deficiency. Main deficiencies that cause hair loss are zinc, iron and protein. Biotin, niacin and most B vitamins can help growth. Some vitamins are a waste of money. They must be high quality and highly absorbable. Spirulina and chlorella are excellent sources of high quality nutrients.

Essential oil scalp massage formulas provide an excellent natural hair regrowth remedy. They stimulate new hair growth and make existing hair strong and healthy by supplying nourishment and energy to the hair follicles and roots and by keeping the scalp clean and healthy. The article below explains how this works.What is good for hair loss and thin hair for young people? Are multi vitamins god or a waste of my money?
Vitamins are great! If you are noticing hair loss or dry brittle hair it can definately be a reflection of what you are eating, but not always.....If you are loosing large amounts( in chunks) then I recommend seeing your doctor, you don't want to ignore a serious problem. If it's just regular thinning that comes normally, I would suggest using a shampoo that has rosemary oil in it, I have been recently trying to get my hair to grow longer, Rosemary was recommended as well as lemongrass, and lavendar, I have been using it, I've noticed some length but more than anything else I loose less hair in the shower and I've noticed that its gotten thicker, I have to tell you though some of these shampoos can get exspensive so a cheaper route would be to get the oils from health or vitamin store and add a few drops to your regular shampoo at home, just remember more of this stuff is not better, it has to used in very small portions or else it can cause damage, and it has to be well diluted. So if you do decide all you need is about 5drops in a full bottle of conditioner and rememeber to shake well before using everytime. you'll start to see results in about 28days.What is good for hair loss and thin hair for young people? Are multi vitamins god or a waste of my money?
Multi vitamins are a very good idea to help strengthen hair and prevent hair loss. Try using Biotin and B5, you may also want to take a look at a product that a friend of mine uses. He is a young good looking guy that was loosing is hair until he started using this product.

Check it out!

There are many product's that will help you with your problem, and you could use A lot of money trying to find what works for you.

I know that I spent much more than I had to until I found the product that works for me.

If you want to try it its on the link that's shown on the bottom, that's the only thing that worked for me :D
The Doctor’s did not do their homework on this one…

To whom, is sitting under a lazer 3 times a week for a year or more and paying $3K to $5K for the privilege, an answer? Not in my world… “Heredity” as the only reason mentioned for hair loss??? Who do they think are the viewing audience? We are not that naive. What about our bodies internal changes that causes the hair to fall out? Hormones, toxins, stress, the food we eat, etc.

This is an epidemic problem in North America and needs to be addressed with some research and facts. Not “snake oil” in the form of a lazer… Please, don’t insult us.

Sign me – Tried it all (good grief not the lazer)and still getting drafty on top.

I agree with you in regards to their response about hair loss.There are many reasons for hair loss, I for one am dealing with hair loss because of menopause and lack of estrogen. WHY DO THEY NEVER TALK ABOUT THAT IF THERE IS HELP FOR THAT. I have actually written to this show about another topic involving a womens disease and THEY HAVE NEVER RESPONDED. They talked about silly subjects and give you basic info.

Hey dd50. I am also in menopause and my hair has been seriously thinning this past 2 years (I’m 51). I just wrote a letter to the show basicly saying “shame on you” for the trite reason and solution given. I would encourage you to write them again… Menopausal, and all women need to insist on doctors taking this issue seriously and finding solutions. You and I have probably done more research on it than the good Doctors.

I’ve gone past menopause and my hair is a fifth of what it once was. It has become very fine as well. I’ve also lost most of my body hair. So this has to do with hormones? I’ve been tested for anything and everything under the sun, but no results. All hormones are fine and thyroid is working fine. Weight loss has become a problem as well. I had my hysterectomy at age 43 and went into menopause fairly early. That is when my body hair started to go and I started losing hands full of hair. It became almost scary to brush my hair and look at the brush afterward. Is there an answer for aging women?

The laser treatment is far too expensive for the ordinary woman, especially if she’s single and just holding her head above water. That’s if it is even available in BC which I don’t think it is. And would it work for hairloss due to menopause and aging? I’d like to hear some answers to these questions.

Ladies, I’m in agreement with you; there is so much to be said about hair loss and the number of factors that play into why this happens to women. I am now 51 but I started losing hair in my mid 20’s when I started experiencing stress, changed my diet, started taking birth control (hormonal changes) and continued until now. I have recently gone to a holistic doctor who actually has a blood test which is not the typical standard test given at the regular doctors and the test revealed that I have problems with my thyroid (also identified problems with the adrenal which affects the hormones). The thyroid is one of the potential major contributor to hair loss. The standard blood tests have such a wide range of acceptable average levels that they cannot pin point this as a problem. I have just started the natural herbs to first fix the problem and it will obviously take some time to see results.

I would say that eventually someone will come up with a solution because it will be a money maker and you know if there is money to be made they will eventually come up with something that will work.

I am a 43 years old female and have always had thin hair but I am at the point that it is noticeable (in the front and top of my head). As each year passes, my hair gets thinner. I am taking a multi-vitamin that is suppose to help hair growth and am using Rogaine for 8 years. Does anyone have advise that I could try?

Hi there, I am new to hair loss but since it started a yr or so ago, it’s progressing very quickly. I actually do a comb over.. OMG I can’t believe I do that. But I’ve found that if I don’t people stare and they don’t respect me. For example. I have not worked in a couple years and struggle every day. I’ve had interviews alot. They see my resume and call me in right away. However, when they see my head, and I know they are staring at my head they just don’t seem to want to deal with me. Maybe I don’t look nice enough for their customers or something. I try to deal with it on my own. I’ve had my thyroid checked and it’s fine. So far my doctor doesn’t know why I’m losing hair so fast other than my mom had the same problem when she was my age. I have gone into menopause as of a couple yrs ago so could it be hormonal? All I know is I now hide from the world and don’t have money to pay for creams let alone lazer treatments. Where can we get these treatments? If I could get a loan without a job I might be able to afford them. Is there anything we can do at home that wouldn’t cost my
I would say not to use chemicals on your hair.Why don't you go for some home remedies. Egg whites, lemon juice, oil massages, reducing stress and diet changes can reduce hair fall and make it healthier. You can find more cheap, effective and natural home remedies for hair loss as well as for healthy hair at…
Your hair is what you eat. If you eat correctly and drink enough water, 80 percent of your hair problems are solved. Eat a healthy and a balanced diet rich in protein and minerals. Oil your hair regularly, include a lot of milk, almonds and greens in your diet and drink at least 12 to 14 glasses of water daily. Check out for more info.
I stopped my hair loss and re-grew it all in one month following some of these easy tips. They really do work

A good nutritional product will help, just make sure you get one that has the nutrients that will prevent hair loss.

Haven't found 1 to help my yet.

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