Sunday, January 29, 2012

Hair Loss for 50+ Women?

I have been going through menopause. I do not use Rogaine or any products like that. My hair has always been thin but in the last 6 months it has gotten super thin and it's embarrassing to me. I feel like people are staring at the top of my head. I'm beginning to feel like I have male pattern baldness. Any ideas on how to get the hair to grow back %26amp; even be thicker??Hair Loss for 50+ Women?
you get camoflouge powders which make hair look denser.Hair Loss for 50+ Women?
Which is the Best Hair Loss Treatment Available?

More Information

1. Anti-androgenic therapy

This therapy is particularly beneficial in the cases of hereditary hair thinning. The prevalence of hereditary hair thinning is one out of four among women in USA. In case of women, the version of this hair loss treatment is known as cyproterone acetate (CPA). In the case of man, excessive secretion of Di-hydrotestosterone (DHT) is found to be responsible for causing baldness as well as hair fall. If you are identified with the hair loss problem triggered by excess DHT secretion, it is quite common that your doctor will suggest you to undergo anti-androgenic therapy as the part of hair loss treatment. It is a time-consuming therapeutic approach that may last even for one year or more.

2.Hormonal Balancing

It is quite possible if you are going through hair loss problems that you are having hormonal imbalance in your health system. It may occur due to menopausal stage, or if you have experienced recent pregnancy. Even acute stressors or traumatic experiences and anxieties may also cause hormonal disturbances. Specifically hormones secreted from pituitary gland and thyroid gland may cause hair loss problems, if imbalance occurs. In that case, you need to undergo through prescribed medicinal treatment as suggested by your doctor.

3. Hair Transplantation

Hair transplantation is considered as one of the advanced therapeutic technique as a part of hair loss treatment. It can be done on both men and women. It promises you to provide fine line hair treatment which restores hair areas. In some cases, it is even hard to identify the area in the post-operative period. It is mainly done by stimulating hair follicles. This type of hair loss treatment is really expensive and is tough for everyone to take advantage of this treatment. Likewise any other surgical intervention, hair loss transplant includes a degree of risk associated with it. However, with the advanced technological help in medicinal area the risks have been possibly limited. Only, there is a chance of catching infection or pain during or after surgery. In some cases, bleeding also becomes an issue during surgical intervention.

4. Alternative Treatment

Not everyone is really willing to depend on chemical based treatment, especially at the initial phases of the problem. Those individuals largely depend on alternative approaches like herbal or Ayurvedic treatment procedures. These types of treatments prescribe using a wide range of herbs such as Basil, Holy Basil, Neem, Tulsi, Aloe Vera and many others.
I would like to know also because my hair gets thinner too. Hope you get some good answers!!
This is a good article that might be able to help you with some answers:
About 50 to 100 milligrams a day of vitamin B6 taken for one or two months helps decrease hair fall. A medicine rich in sulfur is also recommended as sulfur plays an important part in the structure of the hair. Check out for more info.

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